Labour Law

M&P advises companies on all legal issues (individual and collective employment law) in the field of personnel and human resources.

Expertise in contract management

We draft employment contracts and update existing contracts or sample contracts with the latest case law. Forward-looking contract design increases the flexibilization of working conditions and avoids legal disputes. If the company makes use of freelancers, temporary workers or concludes contracts for work and services, we support you in the legally compliant drafting of the necessary contract documentation. The minimum Wages Act and the Law on the Posting of Employees (Arbeitnehmer-Entsendegesetz) stipulate that companies using subcontractors are liable for all subcontractors if minimum wages are paid. In this respect it is important to obtain corresponding guarantee declarations and releases from liability risks before start of a contract.

Digitization of the working environment

When you are digitizing your company’s working environment and working 4.0 is currently your topic, we are prepared to support you in the introduction of innovative working methods.

Negotiations with employee representatives

If you have a works council and there are difficulties in the ongoing cooperation, you can count on our competence and skills in dealing with employee representatives. We will be at your side in the conciliation board and advise you hands-on both in questions of everyday business such as working hours, overtime, introduction of technical equipment, and in special situations such as restructuring, staff reductions or other changes in operations that require a reconciliation of interests and a social plan.

Being faced with individual termination of contracts, we will help you to find tailor-made solutions. Instead of termination, a termination agreement may be a solution to avoid the risk of legal action against dismissal. Above all it is important to ensure that a revocation of the termination agreement is excluded. If an amicable separation is not possible, we will represent your interests in legal proceedings nationwide before the labour courts, regional labour courts or the Federal Labour Court.

Long-time experience of M&A

In case you would like to buy or sell a business, we will support you in close cooperation with our corporate law specialists in conducting due-diligence reviews and the best possible protection against labour law risks in the purchase agreement. We also deal with informing the employees in the event of a transfer of business.

Are you a start-up company considering employee participation? Then we will work with you to design the appropriate model and assist you in its implementation.

If you would like to raise the awareness of your management team or your employees for labour law issues to avoid risks, we will compile an individual training package for your company.

Contact person

Dr. Felix Heimann

Partner | Specialist Lawyer for Medical Law

Dr. Monika Schmidt

Lawyer | Specialist Lawyer for Labour Law

Key aspects

  • Drafting and optimisation of employment contracts
  • Advice and drafting of service contracts for managing directors and board members
  • Assistance with the amicable termination of contracts and with terminations
  • Support in cooperation with the works council


  • Supervision of reconciliation of interests/social plan proceedings
  • Restructuring
  • Optimisation of business transfers in terms of labour law
  • Employment law due diligence audit
  • Legal representation before all labour courts and civil courts
  • Management liability