Annika Baumann

Junior Partner | Specialist Lawyer for Medical Law

Fields of expertise:

Healthcare law


  • Hospital Law
  • Contract physician Law / contract dentist Law
  • Medical Professional Law



1987 born in Eutin
2007 – 2012 Law studies at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
10.2009 – 12.2010 Major field of study: Health law
since 08.2012 Doctorate in medical criminal law with Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoyer, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
2012 – 2015 Principal corrector and lecturer in the field of individual tuition at the legal revision office Hemmer
2013 – 2015 Traineeship in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg
seit 2016 Attorneys at Law M&P Dr. Matzen & Partner mbB
Languages English, French
Acitivities Participation in the dissertation network “Innovative health law”