Dr. Monika Schmidt

Lawyer | Specialist Lawyer for Labour Law

Fields of expertise:

Labour Law


  • Individual and collective labour law
  • Service contract law (managing directors/board members)
  • Reconciliation of interests / social plan
  • due diligence processes


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1963 born in Versmold
1982 – 1987 Law Studies in Saarbrücken and Münster
1988 – 1989 International School for Japanese Language, Tokyo, Japan
1989 – 1990 Kashiwagi International Law Office, Tokyo, Japan
1992 legal clerkship in Düsseldorf, Tokyo
1992 Doctorate in Private International Law with Prof. Dr. Heinrich Dörner, University of Münster
1993 – 2005 Haarmann Hemmelrath & Partner, Düsseldorf and Hamburg
Since 2006 Attorneys at Law M&P Dr. Matzen & Partner
Stays abroad
1988 – 1990 Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service “Language and Practice in Japan
Languages English, Japanese
Activities Lecturer for labour law topics

Lecturer at the Hochschule Fresenius